Matej Makarovič, Dean of Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto
Mojca Štruc, vodja Sektorja za digitalno vključenost na Ministrstvu za digitalno preobrazbo
9:20 – 10:00
Dr. Francesco Tiezzi, University of Florence, Italy: Unveiling Robotic Systems’ Behaviour via Data Analysis
10:00 – 11:20
Pavle Boškoski and Vanja Subotić: Statistical analysis of electrochemical impedance data
Jelena Joksimović, Jure Kos and Krištof Debeljak: Comparative Analysis of Energy Consumption Prediction Models: LSTM, Interval-Based, and Hybrid Models
Andrej Trunkl and Pavle Boškoski: Knowledge Transfer for Improved Detection of Electrical Insulators in Power Grid Photographs: Adapting Pre-trained Models to Slovenian Infrastructure
Valerij Grasic and Biljana Mileva Boshkoska: Parameters devise for modelling real-time monitoring of magnetic field for the purpose of smart city using a mobile phone
11:20 – 11:40
Coffee break
11:40 – 12:20
Aleš Simončič, Technical Sales Manager ISG, Lenovo SEE: Sustainable HPC & AI Data Center – A Roadmap to CO2 Negative
12:20 – 13:20
Dániel Kovács, Bálint Molnár and Viktor Weininger: Enhancing Transparency and Efficiency in Small Size Loans Using Blockchain: A Shared Research Ledger Solution
Milica Stankovic and Gordana Mrdak: Harnessing Big Data: Advantages and Challenges in Macroeconomic analysis and Economic Forecasting
Dániel Kovács, Bálint Molnár and Viktor Weininger: Revolutionizing Pension Systems: The Integration of Blockchain with Business Process Management
13:20 – 14:20
Lunch break
HEALTHCARE AND BIOMEDICINE (Under the project AI2MED)(CHAIR: Biljana Mileva Boshkoska / Blaž Rodič)
14:20 – 15:00
Dr. Ciara Heavin, University College Cork, Ireland: Unlocking Big Data’s Potential: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Digital Future
15:00 – 16:00
Mateja Lesar, Teja Štrempfel, Larisa Moderc, Lynn Süthoff, Jakob Sajovic, Peter Rogelj, Gorazd Drevenšek and Zoran Levnajić: Can social exclusion be revealed from studying brain activity via EEG?
Mia Darkovska, Ilija Mizhimakoski, Vesna Andova, Jasmina Angelevska Kostadinoska and Ana Ristovska Dimitrovska: Assessing Pigmented Skin Moles Using Minkowski Fractal Dimensions and Comprehensive Color Channel Analysis (zoom)
Lana Dominković, Biljana Mileva Boshkoska and AleksandraRashkovskaKoceva: ECG-Derived Respiration on the Fantasia Dataset using the Signal Processing RRest Toolbox (zoom)
16:00 – 16:20
Coffee break
EDUCATION AND TALENTS (Under the project AI4VET4AI) (CHAIR: Alenka Pandiloska Jurak)
16:20 – 17:20
Vesna Stepišnik and Janez Kolar: Factors of the development and manifestation of the talent of managers
Laura Fink: Application of prediction models in educational context
Alenka Pandiloska Jurak, Janez Kolar, Alan Berg, Stefan Mol, Leo Mršić, Scott Harrison and Gábor Kismihók: Acquiring competencies for mastering tools that process big data – the case of AI usage skill gaps
17:20 – 18:00
Ana Hafner and Dolores Modic: Intellectual Property Rights Data for Sustainable Digitalisation and Digitalisation for Sustainability
Dorian Fildor: Cluster Analysis of Key Links Between Digital Transformation and Sustainable Macroeconomic Growth in EU Countries
18:00 –
Dinner & Social Program
FRIDAY, 8th November 2024
8:30 – 9:00
Meet & Greet Registration
CHAIR: Kseniia Gromova
9:20 – 10:00
Dr. Franjo Cecelja, University of Surrey, United Kingdom: Artificial Intelligence: A Circular Economy Perspective
10:00 – 10:40
Dr. Marko Debeljak, Institut Jožef Stefan, Slovenia: AI-supported transition to sustainable agriculture
TRENDS IN AI (CHAIR: Kseniia Gromova)
10:40 – 12:00
Jelena Topić Božič and Simon Muhič: Data centres and sustainability: the effect of geographical location and electricity mix through life cycle approach
Mirjana Pejić Bach, Jasmina Pivar and Robert Fabac: Emerging trends in generative artificial intelligence: Insights from patent analysis using toolk
Bojan Pažek and Slavko Arh: Topology-Driven Feature Extraction Based on PCA Pre-Alignment: Addressing Anisotropy in High-Dimensional Data (A Case Study)
Aljaž Blatnik and Blaž Rodič: Modelling border crossing in irregular migrations on the western balkans route
12:00 – 12:20
Coffee break
AI AND NLP (CHAIR: Aljaž Blatnik)
12:20 – 14:00
Jelena Joksimović: Computer Vision for Time Series Classification
Omkar Bihani, Janez Povh and Janez Zerovnik: Towards a randomized algorithm for the maximum stable set problem
Fatima Aziz and Martin Žnidaršič: Classification of bug severity with lexicon approaches
Ana Vladić and Juraj Petrović: Attributing authorship to short texts on social networks (zoom)
Ana Bezić: Anthropology and Algorithms: The Good, the Bad, and Entangled
14:00 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:45
Kseniia Gromova (JM Centre of Excellence TIA2030) and Cristian Gangaliuc: Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Technology and Innovation for Agenda 2030 – EU Global Leadership – TIA2030” Round table discussion: Institutions, social networks and cognitive frames in implementation of Agenda 2030.
15:45 – 16:30
Victor Cepoi (JM Module TIC203) and Anatolie Cosciug: “A Market Constantly Changing: On the Return Migrant Entrepreneurs’ Use of Human and Social Capital to Navigate Changes of the Operating Environment”
16:30 – 17:00
Victor Cepoi: Jean Monnet Module “Technology Innovation Communities 2030” Final considerations of the project.